Yard By Yard Community Resiliency Project
The Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts in association with the Tulsa County Conservation District are proud to announce the launch of the new Yard by Yard program in Tulsa County. This program highlights community members who implement practices that promote water, land and ecology resiliency and positively impact their communities, one yard at a time.
Urban citizens do not always realize what a big difference they can make in our communities with the addition of even a few “earth friendly” practices. Through our Yard by Yard Community Resiliency Project, you will find not only support to do the right things for your yard and community, but also recognition for your efforts and the chance to encourage others. Whole neighborhoods coming together for the greater good can absolutely add strength, health, and resilience to our city. The Yard By Yard is a project that launched in Oklahoma County on July 1st and will launch in Tulsa County on August 1st. We can’t wait to see the impact of this great project with your help in our communities!
Click Here to Download Certification Checklist
Click Here if You are Ready to Certify Your Yard (Attach Completed Checklist and Pictures/Videos)